Hi, My name is Sandy Briden and I have undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS).
Sarcoma is a rare and often misdiagnosed type of cancer and it is important to raise awareness.
I have compiled a video with three main aims:
- To help friends and family understand sarcoma and where to go for information and support.
- To help people newly diagnosed with sarcoma.
- To encourage people to get unusual and persistent lumps, bumps and swellings checked out by a doctor.
Sadly, Deena, an advocate for the early detection of sarcoma, who features in this video has passed away. It is important the video continues to raise sarcoma awareness in her honour.
Click here for sarcoma awareness videos without presentation
The Royal Marsden Hospital
A world leading cancer hospital with a specialised sarcoma research unit.
Sarcoma UK
Sarcoma UK is a charity that provides support, information and promotes awareness for sarcoma.
The Grove Hotel
A non-profit hotel for terminally ill cancer sufferers, in Bournemouth.
Dignity in Dying
Assisted Dying should be a legal choice for terminally ill patients
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